Our laboratory is equipped with a Delta V advantage (Thermo Scientific) hyphened with a Thermal Conversion Elemental Analyzer Plus.


Our instrumental setting allows us to analyze:
15N and 13C in solid samples by combustion
2H and 18O in solid samples by pyrolysis
2H and 18O in water by pyrolysis

Further services

Drying (oven or freeze-drying); grinding; weighing; method development (we are happy to collaborate at research projects, please contact our researcher at francesca@isotracer.it)

Francesca Scandellari

  • Biography

    I graduated at the University of Bologna, Italy, in Biological Science and she specialized in Applied Genetics. During this period, I worked for one year at the University of California at Berkeley. I gained my PhD in Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Torino, Italy after which I started a 4-years postdoc at the University of Bologna followed by a 2-years postdoc at the University of New Hampshire at Durham. Once back to Italy, I moved to the Free University of Bolzano as fixed term researcher, position that I recently left to explore new horizons. I started to work with stable isotopes in 2004 and I am keen to put my experience and knowledge in this new exciting challenge.

  • Short reference list

    Scandellari, F., and Penna, D. (2018). Gli isotopi stabili nell’acqua fra suolo, pianta e atmosfera. Italus Hortus 51–67. | Scandellari, F., and Tagliavini, M. (2018). The use of the 15 N stable isotope technique to improve the management of nitrogen nutrition of fruit trees – a mini review. Acta Horticulturae 191–200. | Penna, D., Hopp, L., Scandellari, F., Allen, S.T., Benettin, P., Beyer, M., Geris, J., Klaus, J., Marshall, J.D., Schwendenmann, L., et al. (2018). Ideas and perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes – challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Biogeosciences 15, 6399–6415. | Scandellari, F. (2017). Arbuscular mycorrhizal contribution to nitrogen uptake of grapevines. VITIS – Journal of Grapevine Research 56, 147–154. | Aguzzoni, A., and Scandellari, F. (2017). The geographical origin of fresh horticultural products: analytical methods to prevent food frauds. Italus Hortus 41–57. | Tomè, E., Tagliavini, M., and Scandellari, F. (2015). Recently fixed carbon allocation in strawberry plants and concurrent inorganic nitrogen uptake through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Plant Physiology 179, 83–89. | Brunetto, G., Ventura, M., Scandellari, F., Ceretta, C.A., Kaminski, J., Melo, G.W., and Tagliavini, M. (2011). Nutrient release during the decomposition of mowed perennial ryegrass and white clover and its contribution to nitrogen nutrition of grapevine. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 90, 299–308. | Scandellari, F., Hobbie, E.A., Ouimette, A.P., and Stucker, V.K. (2009). Tracing metabolic pathways of lipid biosynthesis in ectomycorrhizal fungi from position-specific 13C-labelling in glucose. Environmental Microbiology 11, 3087–3095. | Scandellari, F., Tonon, G., Thalheimer, M., Ceccon, C., Gioacchini, P., Aber, J.D., and Tagliavini, M. (2007). Assessing nitrogen fluxes from roots to soil associated to rhizodeposition by apple (Malus domestica) trees. Trees 21, 499–505 | Aguzzoni A, Bassi M, Robatscher P, Scandellari F, Tirler W, Tagliavini M. (2019) Intra- and Intertree Variability of the 87Sr/86Sr Ratio in Apple Orchards and Its Correlation with the Soil 87Sr/86Sr Ratio. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2019, 67, 5728−5735

Alessandra Zuin

  • Biography

    Alessandra Zuin has a master and PhD degree in Environmental sciences at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venezia, Italy. She graduated in 2015, and joined Isotracer in 2020. She is in charge of data analysis, database maintenance, and reports preparation and evaluation. She is a recipient of the Ph.D. F.A.I. Lab (http://www.phd-failab.it/) grant

Former collaborators

Marco Grimaldo

  • Biography

    I achieved a double degree in Physics at the University of Trento, Italy, and the University of Tübingen, Germany, where I mainly specialized in Nanotechnology and Computational Physics. I did a PhD in Physics at the University of Tübingen and at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France, where I studied the dynamics and aggregation of proteins by neutron spectroscopy. The PhD was followed by a postdoc at the ILL focusing on the cold neutron scattering from antibody proteins, during which I also tested the applicability of machine learning and neural networks to analyze neutron scattering data.

  • Short reference list

    Soraruf D., Roosen-Runge F., Grimaldo M., Zanini F., Schweins R., Seydel T., Zhang F., Roth R., Oettel M., Schreiber F. (2014). Protein cluster formation in aqueous solution in the presence of multivalent metal ions–a light scattering study. Soft Matter 10, 6, 894-902 | Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Zhang F., Seydel T., Schreiber F. (2014). Diffusion and dynamics of γ-globulin in crowded aqueous solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 25, 7203-7209 | Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Hennig M., Zanini F., Zhang F., Jalarvo N., Zamponi M., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2015). Hierarchical molecular dynamics of bovine serum albumin in concentrated aqueous solution below and above thermal denaturation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 6, 4645-4655 | Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Jalarvo N., Zamponi M., Zanini F., Hennig M., Zhang F., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2015). High-resolution neutron spectroscopy on protein solution samples. EPJ Web of Conferences, 83, 02005 | Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Hennig M., Zanini F., Zhang F., Zamponi M., Jalarvo N., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2015). Salt-induced universal slowing down of the short-time self-diffusion of a globular protein in aqueous solution. The journal of physical chemistry letters, 6, 13, 2577-2582 | Lenton S., Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Schreiber F., Nylander T., Clegg R., Holt C., Härtlein M., Sakai V.G., Seydel T. (2017). Effect of phosphorylation on a human-like osteopontin peptide. Biophysical journal, 112, 8, 1586-1596 | Braun M.K., Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Hoffmann I., Czakkel O., Sztucki M., Zhang F., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2017). Crowding-controlled cluster size in concentrated aqueous protein solutions: structure, self-and collective diffusion. The journal of physical chemistry letters, 8, 12, 2590-2596 | Beck C., Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Braun M.K., Zhang F., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2018). Nanosecond Tracer Diffusion as a Probe of the Solution Structure and Molecular Mobility of Protein Assemblies: The Case of Ovalbumin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 35, 8343-8350 | Beck C., Appel, Markus, Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Zhang F., Frick B., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2019). Neutron spectroscopy on protein solutions employing backscattering with an increased energy range. Physica B: Condensed Matter | Grimaldo M., Lopez H., Beck C., Roosen-Runge F., Moulin M., Devos J.M., Laux V., Härtlein M., Da Vela S., Schweins R. (2019). Protein Short-Time Diffusion in a Naturally Crowded Environment. The journal of physical chemistry letters | Grimaldo M., Roosen-Runge F., Zhang F., Schreiber F., Seydel T. (2019). Dynamics of proteins in solution. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 52, E7.

Teresa Briz

  • Biography

    Teresa Briz joined our laboratory on Monday 7 October 2019 as a trainee within the Erasmus+ program. She has a degree in Chemistry from the University of Granada (Spain) and she speaks a very good Italian! We are keen to work together and explore all the possiblities given by her 3-month-long visit in our Company.

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